
Here is the step-by-step guide to getting your membership and licensing certificate:

You shall be required to scan and send all your certificates, identification

You shall fill, scan, and send back to us the registration form. Validation and identification can be emailed back to us, with the Member’s Registration Form at this email address:

You shall be required to complete our Certification Assessment which consists of 25 questions. The Certification Assessment is not an academic probe; but one that determines sufficient knowledge to be included in this organization and to ensure one’s ‘fitness for inclusion’.

Once you make the application and send your documentation, we will send you instructions on how to complete the assessment. There is a one-time non-refundable administration fee of N5,000 paid to help research and review your educational qualifications.

When all requirements have been met and your application processed, you will be required to make payments according to your membership level. An acknowledgment of this payment will be mailed to you together with your membership packet which will include your membership card and Newsletter.

Credentials, certifications, and certification assessment stages must be completed before the membership application is considered successful.

Students Members and members with Certificates, Diplomas, first degrees, master’s degrees, and Ph. D.s in relevant fields shall be considered.

Membership Certification is issued to successful applicants during induction.

Members with relevant proof of professional practice of not less than five years can apply for a licensing certificate. For licensing processing, send a mail to